Founded in 2014, AukSunLMS (Learning Management System) is a branch of AukSun Consultants Ltd. We promote online education in existing schools, maintaining high standards of learning and curriculum.
AukSun Consultants Ltd. is incorporated in Canada and UK, and registered in Pakistan. AukSunLMS helps schools and institutes set-up their websites to increase efficiency in teaching their students. Our system comprises; online courses, website, iOS and Andriod Apps. We earn through subscribing students and this income is shared with respective schools, institutes, and teachers. Students can revise their daily school work at their own pace, from homes on laptops/smartphones. Our fees are significantly affordable for the parents.
e-Learning in conjunction with conventional school teaching is by far the best-known learning methodology for students. Students benefit from AukSunLMS as a supplement to daily school learning; saves time, effort and cost. Students can learn 24/7/365, do homework, prepare for the next day or revise missed-out lessons. Course quality is enhanced using better material, technology, and methods. Learning is managed, upgraded, based on learning behavior. AukSunLMS imparts education through voiceover presentations, videos and tests online. It manages progress, connects students to teachers. Seamless integration across all user-devises is provided to the students.
Our one-time cost and low recurring cost makes it an ideal investment for schools and institutes.
Course Design: designed for the digital era; using the best mobile technology/apps to create courses, focusing on lifelong learning. We select pre-developed quality course material from Canada, UK, Finland, U.S., and Australia. These are then customized, made interactive and uploaded for the students. Additionally, AukSunLMS develops courses through collaboration with schools and their teachers. We continuously add courses for students, according to curriculum, user-level, teacher preference, and student requirements.
S.W.O.T Analysis
– Strengths: Competitive edge for participating schools.
– Weakness: Volume of students needed to realize gains, hence the low-price strategy. Internet availability to students in their homes.
– Opportunity: People turning to smartphones and eCommerce. Saving their time and effort for the students.
– Threats: Fast changing methodologies. Players with better financial muscle moving in first.
– Strengths: Competitive edge for participating schools.
– Weakness: Volume of students needed to realize gains, hence the low-price strategy. Internet availability to students in their homes.
– Opportunity: People turning to smartphones and eCommerce. Saving their time and effort for the students.
– Threats: Fast changing methodologies. Players with better financial muscle moving in first.